I’ve heard that life coaches aren’t as good as counselors. Is life coaching a legitimate profession?

Home/I’ve heard that life coaches aren’t as good as counselors. Is life coaching a legitimate profession?

I’ve heard that life coaches aren’t as good as counselors. Is life coaching a legitimate profession?

There is no doubt that many “life coaches” aren’t exactly professionals. An increase in amateur coaches who have little to no proper training in life coaching has led to a stigma that life coaching isn’t a professional or worthwhile profession, even though that couldn’t be further from the truth. As a profession, coaching has been shown to reduce stress an average of 18% to 47% after a short three-month period (CoachConnect), and yields a return on investment of almost six times its cost (Business Wire). And as far as coaches are concerned, always remember to ask if a life coach is credentialed with the International Coach Federation (ICF), which lends credibility to the coach and to the profession. Take a look at all the ways to verify if a particular life coach is worth their weight in coaching!


About the Author:

The owner of Life by John and a specialist in the field of career and life coaching, John Patterson helps people every day with various relationship, career, and general life issues that have a direct impact on their lives. John spends most of his free time with his wife Sheila and their two cats Kitty and Spock.